Monday, July 6, 2020

Sugata Mitra- A School in the Clouds

Viewing Sugata Mitra's Ted Talk brings me back to Wesch v. Turkle. Wesch wanted his readers to realize that technology is not going anywhere. As the years progress, more and more youth will turn to social media platforms for entertainment. So, why not utilize it. Sugata Mitra believes "Schools as we know them are obsolete". His statement is 100% valid. For example, the health curriculum with the Providence Public School System is rarely ever updated. Its discouraging to witness a 15 year old struggling to complete a diagram on internal and external organs and not being able to understand the functions of those organs. I believe this is one of the reasons why the Providence Public School System is in deep with the state of Rhode Island.  The curriculum must change with the times. We need to find more and more ways to incorporate technology in our classrooms/youth space. In my program, I try to plan activities that embrace the use of technology. No disrespect intended but we're fooling ourselves if we think out youth do not learn from the things they see online. I can tell you this, at my school,  kids are learning more on their phones than what their learning in the classroom. Its sad. 

Sugata Mitra - Wikipedia


  1. Hi Essence, I agree that it is very unfortunate that students are continually subjected to antiquated curricula taught with traditional methods. From a public health standpoint it is critical that students are taught strategies that promote a healthy and safe lifestyle and create nurturing spaces where teens can have discussions about their concerns. If teens turn to the internet all the time they may not be getting the adult guidance that they need.

  2. The inconsistencies across the curriculum are not good either. We are given a new program every few years and then they decide to take it away. It doesn’t leave teachers much time to be able to figure it out and really determine if it’s working.

  3. I agree with inconsistencies across the district. Now we are all trying ARC for reading and writing...for one year. The district spent $3 million for one years worth of a product, which essentially means we will only get one year of training and support. Maybe we will be like the children in "the hole in the wall" and we will figure it out on our own.

  4. I wonder what it would look like to just totally reimagine schools/youth space? I think that YDEV as a movement tends to do a better job of this and I believe this is in part because we are not so regulated!

  5. I definitely agree that there are a lot of updates to be made within the district. You have a cool perspective being as you grew up in the district and experienced these schools as a student. I, too, want to incorporate more technology in my classroom next year.
