Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Golden Circle: Simon Sinek

The Golden Circle I

n his TED TALK, The Golden Circle, Dr. Simon Sinek's attempts to explain why some people and organizations are particularly able to inspire others and differentiate themselves from other organizations successfully by introducing the Golden Circle. The philosophy behind the Golden Circle idea is that humans respond best when they communicate with parts of their brain that control emotions, behavior and decision-making.

Elaboration of the Golden Circle:

What: What does your organization does? Every organization whether its not for profit or a for profit organization knows what they do. Apple sells high quality IOS devices, Boys and Girls Cub of Providence provides parents with an affordable before school and after school space for their children.

HOW: What procedures, what sales networks does the organization(s) use for its products and services. Apple sells their products by utilizing social media platforms, hiring celebrities to endorse their products, and by paying television networks to broadcast their items. Not for profit organizations such as, the BGC resort to some of the same measures to advertise their organization. They are active on various social media platforms such as; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on to "sell" their organization to community members but most importantly parents.

Why: Sinek believes the Why is the most important message any organization, business, or organization can communicate. He strongly believes "a why" inspires other people to do what you want them to do. Whether that's; making a donation to their organization/business, volunteering, and etc..Sinek's theory is that successfully communicating the passion behind the 'Why' is a way to communicate with the listener's limbic brain.

1 comment:

  1. Essence,
    I really enjoyed how you broke down and related to each of Sinek's Golden Circle theory, the why,the how, and the what. As teachers of young children, we all need to find our "why", believe in it and work towards this every day. This will help our students become successful learners...our ultimate goal!
